Friday, October 14, 2011

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips
You know you are experiencing yo-yo dieting, but do not know how to stop it! It is time to get your balance back. The following easy weight loss tips will help you lose weight in a healthy way.
  1. Increase the non-soluble fiber variety of foods in your diet. Most people think of fruits and vegetables when they think about fiber, but actually it is the fiber in wheat bran (choker) which weight loss specialists talk about when they want to suggest fiber. The fiber in fruits and vegetables, though quite useful, is in much lesser quantity. One can add 1 teaspoon of wheat bran per roti (chapati) or boil 1 teaspoon of wheat bran in milk (skimmed milk) and have it at night.
  2. Drink hot water through out the day. One can drink 4 to 6 glasses of hot water through out the day to aid digestion and weight loss. Adding a pinch of fennel (saunf) or elaichi (cardamom) will make it easier to have the hot water and will also help you loose weight quickly.
  3. Substitute roti (chapati) with dalia (porridge). Roti is refined wheat and dalia is unrefined wheat, if one eats vegetable dalia instead of roti for one meal, it goes a long way to cut down the weight. One can make vegetable dalia with chopped peas, onions, tomato, cauliflower and beans. It is not only sumptuous to look at but also very delicious.
  4. Cut down on milk, curd and paneer as it is very kapha in nature and thereby may be fattening in winters. To increase the calcium intake include a teaspoon of flaxseed and half a teaspoon of black sesame seeds (kala til) in your diet.
  5. Take half a teaspoon of amla (Indian gooseberry) powder with water every morning on an empty stomach. Amla is excellent for improving the liver function which is important for metabolism. A weak or sluggish liver is ultimately responsible for fat accumulation.
  6. Have raw carrots, tomatoes and radish (mooli). These raw foods also are rich in enzymes which provide the extra metabolizing power to the liver to help in fat breakdown. Cooking these vegetables decrease their nutritive value.
  7. Light dinners are the key to weight loss. No other way is so effective as much as light dinners. When we say light dinners, it is basically means no cereals or pulses but only vegetables, soups and salads (especially for women).
  8. Maintain a food diary. Food diary is one of the extremely important aspects of weight loss which is frequently neglected.
  9. Avoid sugar completely if you can. One should also avoid the diet drinks as they are full of salt and other chemicals which hinder weight loss.
  10. Finally, Dont be greedy, be patient. If you are giving input of 70% then you do not have the right to desire 150%, so your desires should match your efforts.

    You can and will Beat the Bulge! All it takes is a little determination and proper guidance. Good luck!

    Some examples of weight gaining diet foods include:
    • Fish
    Fish is high in protein, makes you feel fuller faster and is known for excellent weight gain. Bodybuilders eat a lot of fish for the protein and because protein does not result in excess fat, you are putting on lean muscle instead which is healthier.
    • Fruit
    Fruit such as bananas are ideal for weight gain. Most other fruits will not result in actual gains but will make you healthy.
    • Vegetables
    Vegetables are the key to weight gain. You can eat as many vegetables as you like without feeling guilty. If you really need to gain weight then consider two to three small vegetable meals per day.
    • Lean Meat
    Meat is the other key to putting on weight. Although vegetarians may not be skinny, eating meat will certainly hasten the process of weight gain. Lean meats like lean beef and chicken should be eaten 4-5 times per week if your goal is to put on weight.
    Some other free weight loss tip for a weight gaining diet include eating regular small meals rather than 3 large meals. 6 smaller meals will stop your body using up reserves of fat as it waits for the next meal. Providing a constant supply of food means there is always something for your body to work from.
    In conclusion you can eat a weight gaining diet, but metabolism and genetics may be working against you. Regardless if you are simply weight loss or trying to gain weight, the most important thing is for you to eat healthy.

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